Notes on Successfully Running Ubuntu in VirtualBox
January 26, 2024
As a Software Developer who likes to use Ubuntu for Development but can sometimes only run it as just another window in Windows, I would like to share some nuanced VirtualBox configurations I built up over the years.

Setting Default Values in GitHub Actions Workflows
October 20, 2023
GitHub Actions is a powerful platform for automating workflows and tasks in your software development process. When creating workflows, you often need to set default values for variables or parameters, especially when certain values are not always going to be provided. In this blog post, let’s explore two techniques to set default values in GitHub Actions workflows, including a handy ! contains() approach and the double pipe || hack. We’ll also discuss the potential limitations of the double pipe hack.

Triggering a GitHub Actions Workflow with a Slack Slash Command
May 10, 2021
In this post I am going to show how you can trigger a GitHub Actions workflow with a Slack Slash command.

Serving Static Assets from Bloomreach CMS
June 19, 2019
Serving a static files with Bloomreach (formally known as Hippo CMS), such as BingVerify.xml, is not as simple as dropping it in the webapp folder. However, with a little extra configuration Bloomreach CMS will serve the file.

Java JUnit: Reset a singleton
February 28, 2018
Java singleton’s are hard to unit test because the state of the singleton is altered as each test runs. But for testing sake you can reset the singleton’s state use reflection. Here is an example that worked for me.

Java Stream API: ArrayList to JsonArray
February 3, 2017
You can convert an ArrayList to a Java EE JsonArray using a Java Stream in the following way.

WildFly: Removing a Failed Deployment with JBoss CLI
September 5, 2016
I was having trouble working out how to remove the WAR file of a failed deployment from WildFly using the JBoss CLI. I found that I could not simply type undeploy <WAR name> to remove a failed deployment from WildFly using the JBoss CLI. However, I did find that the following command let me remove a failed deployment and it’s WAR file.

Find the Context Path with JSF
September 22, 2015
Sometimes JSF does not have a component that will produce a particular type of HTML element. That’s not a problem but, I always forget the three method deep route to the context path. I always find I have to work through an IDE’s code completion tool to find the application’s path.

How to Store Variables in JSF Facelets
September 7, 2015
JSF Facelets can store the returned value yielded from a call to an EJB. Doing so will mean the EJB does less work.