A photo of Geoffrey Hayward

Week 10: Training for the Manchester Marathon

Pushing through some discomfort and staying focused.

Published April 4, 2023

Ewa and Geoffrey after a run on the Treadmill.
Ewa and I after our run on the treadmill last Friday.

That’s week 10 of my 12-week training program for the Manchester Marathon done. And I am feeling the pressure mounting. However, despite facing some challenges, I remain determined to cross the finish line.

My week started with soreness and discomfort in my hips and thighs during my 11 km run on Monday. However, I persevered and finished strong, completing the run at a pace of 5:09 /km. Unfortunately, the soreness persisted into Tuesday, but I didn’t let it stop me from attending my supervised Cardio Session. I felt okay during the session and kept my heart rate above 80% for most of it. However, I did experience some discomfort in my hips while using the rowing machine.

On Wednesday, I did a tennis hitting session, where we focused on keeping the ball in play, and I avoided too many sprints to prevent further aggravating my hips. I burned around 707 calories during the session, which proved to be a good workout without causing additional discomfort. I also attended a Cardio Tennis session, where I burned 597 calories and felt good afterwards. I also received my first-ever sports massage to ensure my body was in top condition, which rejuvenated my legs.

Thursday was a much-needed rest day, and on Friday, I pushed myself with a cardio session that included 10-minute blocks at 80% or above max HR on various machines, finishing with some time on the treadmill. I followed this up with an easy run on the treadmill later that day with my wife.

Saturday was a successful day as I completed the Cranbrook parkrun in 24 minutes and 27 seconds with walking brakes to be on the safe side. I am concerned about aggravating my hips or legs. Finally, on Sunday, I rested but accompanied my daughter at the Junior parkrun, jogging alongside her to offer encouragement and support.

As I enter the final two weeks of my training program, I must stay focused, healthy, and determined. I’ve faced challenges but haven’t let them stop me from achieving my fitness goals. With the Manchester Marathon on the horizon, I’m ready to give it my all and cross the finish line with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Good luck to all my fellow runners, and keep up the great work!

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