A photo of Geoffrey Hayward

Week 11: Training for the Manchester Marathon

Just one week to go.

Published April 11, 2023

A photo of homemade Easter biscuits.
Our homemade Easter biscuits.

Happy easter, everyone. I trust you had a good one. I am a little behind posting this week, and I am very excited now with less than a week to go until Manchester Marathon.

Anyway, here’s how week 11 in my training for the Manchester Marathon looked.


To kickstart the week, I did a 7 km run at a pace of 5:36/km. I took it at a moderate pace to continue to avoid injury.


On Tuesday, I completed a 10 km treadmill run at a faster pace of 5:04/km. Running on a treadmill helps me maintain a consistent speed, in turn helping me to build endurance.


Wednesday, I participated in the Cranbrook Running Club’s 4-mile time trial. I didn’t want to overexert myself with race day approaching, so I ran gently. I completed the time trial in 30 minutes and 33 seconds. Later in the day, I joined a Cardio Tennis session, which is one of my favourite activities.


I began my Thursday with a tennis hitting session and then a supervised Cardio Session at lunchtime.

A photo of the whiteboard showing a hart rate intensity plan.
The supervised Cardio Session minute by minute intensity plan.

The Cardio Session was intense as it consisted of alternating between 90% max heart rate for one minute and one-minute recovery for ten minutes. Then, 80% steady for ten minutes, back to 90%, and repeat for another ten minutes, followed by 80% steady to finish. These sessions should help me to improve my cardiovascular endurance, which is crucial for long-distance running.


Friday was an 8 km run on the treadmill at a faster pace of 4:55/km.


Saturday was a rest day, which is crucial for muscle recovery and preventing injuries.


On Sunday, I took an 18 km run at a pace of 5:21/km. I took it at a moderate pace to avoid overexertion, being so close to the big day.

Bring on the 16th of April.

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