A photo of Geoffrey Hayward

Week 3: Training for the Manchester Marathon

In it for the race.

Published February 15, 2023

Geoffrey Hayward at the Exeter City Half Marathon
The finish line of the 2023 Exeter City Community Half Marathon

In the build-up to the 2023 Exeter City Community Half Marathon, I took it a little easier this week. It was a week of varied workouts, including my regular cardio sessions.

Here’s a recap of my training log for the week.

On Monday, I took a brisk 40-minute walk with Ewa. But essentially, this was a rest day.

On Tuesday, I jumped onto the treadmill for an 8 km run at a steady pace of 5:13 per km. The mileage felt good.

Wednesday was a one-hour Cardio Tennis session, as a great way to mix up my training.

On Thursday, I started the day with a 10 km speed play run. The session mainly consisted of repeats of 700M at 4:39 /km with 100M jogs at 6:40 /km. I chucked in a few 4:10 /km here and there to keep things interesting.

Later on in the day, I did a 700-calorie cardio session. This session consisted of 10-minute blocks at or above 80% of my max heart rate and included a mix of exercises on the Air SkiErg, Rowing Machine, Air Resistance Bike, Spin Bike, and Treadmill.

Friday was another rest day, and I used it to recharge my batteries and prepare for the Half Marathon.

Saturday was the day of the 2023 Exeter City Community Half Marathon, and I ran it in 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 10 seconds. This is a new half-marathon PB for me, and I was thrilled with the result. I am grateful for all the training I have put in over the past few weeks.

On Sunday, I took another rest day, as that seemed sensible. But my legs were feeling strong and ready for my next week of training.

Overall, it was a great week of training, and I’m looking forward to continuing to push myself in the lead-up to the 2023 Manchester Marathon.

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