VO2 Max

Pushing the Pace: 12 Seconds to Go
December 21, 2023
Hi there! It’s Geoffrey again. Last week, I continued chipping away at setting a new 5K personal best. As you might know from reading my blog, I have been following a relatively regimented weekly workout routine, which includes sessions like 8-Second Hill Sprints and 1K Repeats while also trying to balance recovery. Five weeks into the journey, and according to Strava, on Saturday at the Velopark Torbay Parkrun, where I met up with the Jog On Crew, I ran within 12 seconds of hitting my 5k PB. Today, I’ll look back at week 5 of my training and discuss an unexpected twist in my VO2 Max results, which gave me food for thought.

VO2 Max and Reclaiming the Pace
November 23, 2023
In pursuing our passions we often find ourselves veering off track occasionally. This year’s spring and summer months were a whirlwind of family commitments and garden landscaping that took me away from the roads and trails. In this post I would like to reflect on this period discuss how VO2 Max testing served as a wake-up call and share with you the new goal I am chasing down.

Week 5: Training for the Manchester Marathon
February 26, 2023
Following on from last week’s blog, where I reported pain in my right knee during last Sunday’s long run, 16 km in, I have tried to think about what might have gone wrong and how to prevent it from worsening.